YOUTH & VOCATION DIRECTOR: Rev. Fr. Charles Waweru

The youth department has been vibrant and active to counter some of the trends that are there today and affecting young people. Just to mention some of them- consumerism, technological isolation which damages relationship with family, society and with Jesus Christ. Other dangerous trends include : Secularism, Materialism and even don’t care altitude.

The youth office through the guidance of Bishop, has been very keen on how to assist the young people to love Christ more in church and avoid negative influence. The youth office is guided by the vision and mission.


To educate, inspire, mould and mentor young people in their moral, spiritual social and economic life in a holistic way.


Having a vibrant church with youth equipped with Christian values in order to live as a true Disciples of Christ.

The core values the youth office live and perpetuate includes:

What the youth office has been doing in order to achieve the following:
Youth Mobilization

This involves motivating the young people inspirational seminars and rallies in their local churches, Parishes and Deaneries. The intention is to keep the young people in high spirit and energy to serve church and the country.


This is a process of enrolling active youth members in the Diocese in all 48 parishes. This is mainly conducted by the youth director, Deanery chaplain or priests in the parish.

Youth Masses

These include: Parish youth masses, Deanery youth masses and Diocesan youth mass. 


The youth office is involved in attending and coordinating meetings like:

National meetings – Meant for information and consultative purposes

Metropolitan meetings – Frequent meetings at metropolitan level

Diocesan youth council meeting – Youth office facilitates & coordinates the youth council.

Patronage Team

This team comprises of patrons and patronesses. They are considered to be mature Christians who accompany youth hence adult accompaniment.

C.U.S.A - C.D.M..

This is an organization that includes all colleges and universities students from Murang’a Catholic Diocese who are all over the country. They take the identity of the Diocese in their respective institution. This body enhances unity, the students network among themselves and take chances of various business opportunities disclosed to them.

Kagio Project

This is a main youth project located in Kagio town. It is supposed to be income generating project  for the office. The idea is to build a three-storey building with 36 rental houses.

The Kagio Project
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Youth Seminars

The Diocese organizes two main seminars i.e in April and August. One seminar is for peer counselor and the other one is for leaders. Each parish is also supposed to organize a residential seminar in the month of December.

Tumsifu Yesu Kristu. How can I help you? :)
