The Diocese, heeding the call of Jesus, “Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt 28:19), has, as her core business, the task of evangelization. This is achieved through the first proclamation, catechesis, administration of sacraments, and general Christian formation. The coordination of this task is entrusted to the Pastoral Department

To fulfil its mandate, the Department works under the Diocesan Pastoral Council (DiPC). This is a canonical body, appointed by the Bishop as per Can. 511 of the Code of the Canon Law. The DiPC is appointed by the Bishop and is headed by him or by his delegate. Under his (Bishop’s) authority, the Council has the functions of investigating, considering and proposing practical conclusions about those things which pertain to pastoral work in the Diocese. The members of the DiPC include the Pastoral Director, the Assistant Pastoral Director, the Pastoral Office Administrator, the Deans, Chaplains and/or leaders of key Lay Associations and Movements, and holders of some key Diocesan Offices.

The tasks in the Pastoral Department are classified into:

1. General Apostolate

Under General Apostolate, the Department helps the Bishop to develop and implement Diocesan pastoral plans, formulate pastoral policies and guidelines, develop and implement formation programmes for the Laity, including Integrated Christian Formation Programme and guide in the implementation of special apostolates and pastoral programmes. The Department, in collaboration with other pastoral agents, also helps in development and implementation of Annual Pastoral Themes.

2. Catechesis

Under Catechesis, the Department promotes doctrinal formation by ensuring proper formation of Catechists, adherence to proper policies and practices in catechesis to children, youth and adults and coordination of catechetical formation in the Diocese.

3. Liturgical Apostolate

Under Liturgical Apostolate, the Department, promotes proper formation of lay people who are entrusted with the celebration of liturgy, including liturgists, altar servers, ushers and church caretakers. It also, in collaboration with the Diocesan Permanent Committee on Liturgical Celebrations, organizes liturgical celebrations at the Diocesan level.

4. Lay Apostolate

Under the Lay Apostolate, the Department animates and coordinates pastoral activities of the Lay Associations and Movements in collaboration with the respective chaplaincies. It also promotes the formation of members of these Associations and Movements.

The Department is headed by the Pastoral Director. He is assisted by the Assistant Pastoral Director. The Pastoral Office operations are coordinated by an Administrator.